Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tax Tip #2

If you want your taxes done for free here is some good tips on how to file state and federal for free from the comfort of your home on the internet.

1. Go to http://www.turbotax.com (click on free edition)and have your federal taxes done for free which you can print or efile also for free. Make sure to have Adobe if you want to have your files saved and access them. This way you can have all the information you will be asked when doing your state taxes

2. If you want your state taxes done for free here is a site to go to: (Turbo tax is great but they charge to do deluxe versions of federal or just to have your state prepared) http://www.irs.gov/efile/article/0,,id=97915,00.html Once you go to this site click on the link that says: states participating in Federal/State efile

3. Go into this site and find your state (if applicable) and file your state taxes for free with efile- and yes you can print and mail them as well make sure you have Adobe Reader for that one too.

Good luck and for the love of tax filing have them prepared easily and for FREE!!!

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